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Promising Young Woman is a revenge thriller produced by Margot Robbie and directed by Emerald Harold. Carey Mulligan plays a woman taking revenge (in very innovative ways) on those responsible for a violent and traumatic event from her past. 

It’s a very thought provoking film and very relevant during this “me too” movement era. It took me several weeks to ponder before I wrote this review. I had trouble deciding whether to give it three or four stars.

I think this film is worth seeing, but it is ultra disturbing. It’s relatively sad too. Her thirst for revenge consumes her so much that she has no joy in her life. What happens to her is what happens when all hope is gone. However, the film bounces back with satisfying ending that makes this twisted adventure worthwhile.

I thought this movie was going to praise the cliche phrases like, “We didn’t abuse her, we were drunk, we didn’t know what we were doing, it’s not our fault.” I am reassured to see that this is not the case.

We also see that anyone can become a criminal or a sexual predator without even realising it. They may think it’s just “fun and games with the boys” not knowing how these actions can damage a person for life. But karma always comes back with a vengeance in these cases. This movie was necessary to open our consciences !!! My rating ⭐⭐⭐1/2