#Horror (2015) Plot: Six pre-teen girls face a night of terror when the compulsive addiction of an online social media game turns a moment of cyber bullying into a night of insanity. Lame… or almost! A film I watched to the end… but what a torture it was. Very average actors, unbearable kids with even worse parents, pathetic dialogue, a soporific plot, non-existent direction. Even Chloe Sevigny can’t save a movie like this one ! Once again, she’s in the same movie as  Timothy Hutton, But Killing Room was a disturbing amazing great movie. If the opening credits were the only good thing about this film, it would be just 1%.But in fact, this was one of those ultra-boring films that had… a good ending! But it’s so slapdash, poorly plotted, badly directed and obnoxiously acted that it wasn’t really worth it.

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.