Free Fall – Freier Fall (2013) describes Free All as “Although he has a girlfriend and a baby on the way, a police officer (Hanno Koffler) falls in love with a male colleague (Max Riemelt).”

A profound film… no pun intended! A strong, poignant, heavy film…You can feel all the malaise of the main characters. Their lack, their loneliness, their loss of control.

The sex scenes become increasingly embarrassing, awkward and uncomfortable. Some have a touch of sensuality that makes the strength of this love beautiful.

Excellent actors for a good film.But, alas, there are some long stretches and these discomforts mean that I won’t be seeing this film too often. Probably not a second viewing for a few years.

The ending more or less falls flat on its face, but I’ve heard that a sequel is planned for next year. Can’t wait to see how the story continues. Will the sequel be worthy of a sequel? Or worse! If the sequel isn’t as good, it could spoil the charm of the first.It’s a film that dares to go all the way. Hats off to you!

My Rating

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.