Mad Heidi (2022) A horror/comedy inspired by Heidi of the Swiss Alps. What???No, I’m sorry, but I didn’t like the humour at all, and I didn’t like the film at all. I’m very happy to see a lot of enthusiasm, that’s not a problem. On the contrary! But splatter gore isn’t really my thing. I’m much more into horrific thrillers.

I found these three reviews: 1) ‘A shame about Heidi…I really tried to get to the end of the film, but I just couldn’t. A film that could not be more trashy and kitschy. So I don’t understand the craze for this film at all…”2) The film is so stupid that it’s… well… just stupid!’3) A cheap copy of Tarantino. We wanted to make a fantastic Tarantino with Swiss cheese. The fact that there are no Swiss actors in the major roles in a Swiss production financed by Swiss funds (in addition to crowd funding) and that they prefer to give the money to a former Starship Troopers star in order to secure a place on the international scene is acceptable. But then, the film should have been better!” I pretty much agree with all of that.

When I think that it took two directors (Johannes Hartmann, Sandro Klopfstein) to make this? If the aim was just to make a Swiss Tarantino with a sexy Heidi, then it’s not for me. The characters are all there. The grandfather is a pirate, Peter is Black, he’s a black goat herder and cheesemaker and Clara is an Asian! Quite a odd surprise for me! However, the comments made me want to see this film. It’s so difficult to make a film of this kind be both funny and nasty, without falling into the ridiculous, that it has, in addition to action and fun, real characters that you either love or hate deeply. But that didn’t work here.

Casper Van Dien is still the actor who makes bad films. On the other hand, he has managed to conceive a daughter, Grace, who has got off to a pretty good start in the film world. That said, the images of Switzerland are ideal for tourism. But even the music didn’t appeal to me, except in parodic moments.

Well… in my defence, I was nauseous throughout the film. Before it even started, in fact. So…. It wasn’t really the thing to do. The mixture of haemoglobin, drool and cheese could make anyone sick. The film is shot in English. I know it’s to sell better internationally, but still, they could have made it in Swiss-German. It’s said that the average Swiss eats 22 kg of cheese a year. I have a feeling that I’m going to be cutting down on my consumption from now on.

My Rating

Rating: 1 out of 5.