Blair Witch (2016) It could have been worse! Written on 23. January 2017 by Bibo

Going to a forest that carries a curse and spending a night or two there is like voluntarily going to a haunted house or moving into a house where there’s been a massacre!

Firstly, it’s a stupid idea and secondly… it can’t end well! There are sequels that ride the wave of success of the first. And then there are third opuses that come along and try to correct the shooting of the second in order to be faithful to the first again. There are quite a few examples: Alien, Predator, Scream…Blair Witch joins the ranks.

The second film had a stable camera, whereas this is Found Footage all over again. It’s funny, given that the first film made this genre famous, even though it wasn’t the first. So this film is a good tribute. It’s faithful and manages to go even further. It takes things from where the first film left off and pushes them to the limit for guaranteed scary moments. That said, I’m not a huge fan of The Blair Witch Project.

I think it’s too overrated, although the idea is good, the actors are good and the surprise, mystery and angst are still there. But I wouldn’t want there to be too many films of this kind. As far as I’m concerned, that’s all there is to it. It’s good for those who like to be startled. It’s like getting on a ghost train that lasts more than an hour. I was bored at times, I know I don’t really want to see it again, but I got what I wanted and I’m glad I did. I’m not going to buy it, or add it to my collection of must-see films.

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.