You’re Next (2011) Not too good, not too bad!

Written on 08. February 2017 by Bibo

A film I’d take time to see again. Because the more I think about it, the more I tell myself that it’s still one of the better home invasions films, even if it’s a long way behind Panic Room, once again. A film that is joined by Berkshire County released a few years later (also known as Tormented), but decidedly more unhealthy.

A family celebration that turns into a real butchery. Twenty minutes or even half an hour of set-up, family reunions, and then… suddenly, tragedy! From then on, it’s all violence, attack, defence and non-stop bloodshed. Not gory enough for gore fanatics, but definitely too much for non-fans of the genre.

A good Home Invasion film with an outcome that almost suited me, give or take a couple of details. And for me, it was essential that it happened, otherwise I’d only have given it one star.

There’s even a touch of dark humour at the very end.We spend an hour and a half with criminals in animal masks, once again, and people who wanted to have a good time turn into real animals with survival instincts kicking in.

There are twists and turns, action and suspense, but no surprises this time.It’s up to you if you want to see it.

Rating: 3 out of 5.