Mea Culpa (2024) Unbelievable! This is probably the worst film with African-Americans I’ve ever seen. And yet it was usually a sure thing! Even that’s over…Well… I won’t hide the fact that as soon as I saw this Netflix and it slammed shut at the beginning, I was already thinking “Oh No!”But I so wish I’d been wrong.

A lawyer is married to a man who has lost his job and with whom the flame has died a little. What’s more, she saw him hand in hand with one of her best friends. She deduces that he’s more than a friend. And since she doesn’t get on at all with her own mother-in-law, she decides to defend a major criminal who stands to make her a lot of money. But she lets herself be seduced and sleeps with him. In short! It’s such a cliché! And it just gets worse!

By the way, I feel absolutely no shame in spoiling this film for you. You don’t really need to know much about it, except that… the lead actress is Kelly Rowland. When she embarked on this erotic crime thriller, she no doubt thought she was going to become as famous as Beyoncé! But it’s clear that since the break-up of their group Destiny’s Child, most of the talk has been about her rival. Kelly may be making all these efforts, but her music is not being taken as seriously, and it’s certainly not with films like Freddy vs Jason or this one that she’ll be remembered. Whereas Beyoncé was in the excellent Obsessive. And 30% of young people quit their jobs just because the singer said: “If you don’t like your job, quit it!Just don’t tell your future employer why you quit.

Because nobody appreciates someone who takes Beyoncé’s messages literally. We know how dangerous that can be!

Well… it’s unlikely that Kelly Rowland will be taken seriously by those who see this film. I’d just like to point out that the dialogue is rubbish, the story not very interesting, the plot rather insipid, the sequence of events rather unimaginative… And I can see that I could go on for hours about this ridiculous film.

To top it all off, this film contains the worst version of the song “Walk on By” I’ve ever heard! Far less incredible than Dionne Warwick’s original version or the Stranglers’ cover version.

I could give it two stars, because when a film is really bad, at least it makes you laugh a bit. But… I don’t feel like bothering.

My Rating

Rating: 1 out of 5.